Monday Night House League Program Philosophy, News, House League Monday Night, 2018-2019 (Belleville Bearcats Hockey)

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This Team is part of the 2018-2019 season, which is not set as the current season.
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Jul 23, 2018 | Lynn Thibedeau | 1817 views
Monday Night House League Program Philosophy
Bearcats Monday Night House League Philosophy:

Our program is designed to be an introduction to recreational hockey for girls of all skill levels.  
The goal with this introduction is to build a fundamental skill set for all participants to use and enjoy in a lifetime of fun in the game.       
For the 2018-19 season, the first 5 ice times are used to learn and enhance our essential skating, puck, passing and shooting  skills.  We incorporate many challenging small space drills to keep the learning fun while introducing some competition to enhance the experience.
Then after the first 5 ice times and if our numbers remain where they finished last year, our goal is the play a full house league schedule for the reminder of the season.  Our hope is that this will enhance our program with a more formal game based format to add to the fun and growth of our introductory group.

Randomly throughout the season will will try to include skills sessions so that the girls continue to improve their skating, puck, passing and shooting skills.
Going to a full house league schedule will present many challenges....we are hoping for a 4 team schedule which means we will need 4 certified coaches and 4 certified trainers
...House League coaching qualification is Coach 2 Trained or higher...this requires attending a one day coaching clinic...we will cover half the cost of the clinic this year and if you return to coach next season we will cover the other half of the cost.
...Trainers need the HTCP Level 1 - this can be done on line...same above with regards to reimbursement for your clinic
...all team staff must have their Respect in Sports as well
see link below

Cost to play:
$350 unless "Brand New to Bearcat Hockey" cost is $75 for first year only!

Reminder that we only use the on line registration for registering players
..payments are done via cheque, money order or cash through the office...we cannot accept credit cards
Cheques and money orders can be dropped off in the locked mailbox next to our office door on the 2nd floor of the Sports & Wellness Centre...Community Users Office area...please mark the players name on the envelope so we know who to assign the payment to
If paying by cash please contact us to make arrangements
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